Summer/Fall School:
On October 11st -12nd, 2017 HERACLES FALL SCHOOL (Fall instead of the foreseen Summer due to the scheduled date) took place at FCT-UNINOVA, in Lisbon (PT). The topic was on “Characterization Techniques in Cultural Heritage”. Portuguese experts on characterization techniques applied to Cultural Heritage showed examples on XRF, TG-DTA, PIXE, SEM-EDS, OM, ICP-MS Raman, Synchrotron Radiation and much more.
Information and program are available on the following links:
On July 04-06th, 2018, the second HERACLES SUMMER SCHOOL was organized by FORTH, UoC and Ephorate, with the participation of many HERACLES partners as teachers, in Heraklion, GR. This event was linked to the OPTO-CH 2018 summer courses. The aim of these two joint events was two-fold:
to introduce participants to applications of advanced laser-based technologies in CH science, diagnostic & conservation
to inform them on the latest research and developments of the H2020 EU project HERACLES with regard to the developed actions assuring an effective resilience of heritage monuments against climate events, according to the HERACLES concept.
The summer school included a one-day field tests and experiments on-site at the Venetian Koules Fortress, in Heraklion.
On March 18-19th, 2019, the third HERACLES WINTER SCHOOL was organized by the University of Perugia, with the participation of many HERACLES partners as teachers, in Perugia, IT. The event was divided in two major sessions:
Monitoring and diagnostic technologies for preventive conservation of architectural heritage.
- Environmental monitoring and diagnosis for enhancing cultural heritage resilience to climate change.