In the frame of the HERACLES Virtual Course, UniPG (IT) and e-Geos (IT) gave a course entitled "Geomorphological and structural modeling applied to CH management" on Thursday the 19th October from 11.30 to 13.30 (CET).
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge on the integrated use of remote sensing and in-situ monitoring data for structural assessment of heritage buildings with a focus on applications carried out on the Consoli Palace in Gubbio within the activities of HERACLES Project. The course focuses on the interpretation of displacement data obtained from satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry technology, long-term structural health monitoring and environmental monitoring data. All this information is integrated and analyzed also in light of expert interpretation of the outputs of a damage survey and structural analysis via Finite Element simulation
A downloadable file of the recording can also be found here:
The slides can be downloaded here:
The guidebooks (downloadable here) helps people who view the course to better understand the subject matter of the course and to find materials for further study
Mario Costantini received the PhD in Geoinformation from the “Tor Vergata” University, Rome, Italy, the Perfezionamento degree in Theory and Mathematical Methods for System Analysis and Control, from “La Sapienza” University, Rome, and the Dottore Degree in Physics from “La Sapienza” University, Rome. He worked in universities, companies and international research organizations (among which the European Space Agency and the NASA/Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory). Currently, he is the Head of Algorithm and Processing-System Engineering at e-GEOS, a company of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and Telespazio, Rome.
Dr. Costantini has more than 20 years of experience, with internationally recognized achievements, in the fields of signal processing, remote sensing, and Earth observation. He has performed/leaded the development of innovative algorithms and operational processors for synthetic aperture radar interferometry, phase unwrapping, stereoscopy, super-resolution, tomography, coregistration, data fusion, change detection, classification, target detection and recognition, and, in general, extraction of information from contextual, multitemporal and multispectral analysis of remote sensing data, based on both model inversion and machine learning techniques. Moreover, he and his team have realized operational products/services for Earth observation from radar (interferometric) and optical (multispectral/hyperspectral) data, such as millimetric ground and structure deformation monitoring, ship detection, oil spill detection, wind and waves determination, forest fire detection, forest, grassland and agriculture classifications, digital elevation models (DEMs), satellite mission simulations. Costantini’s scientific/technological interests include, in general, algorithms for extracting information and taking actions from data.
Dr. Costantini is author of various international patents and scientific papers. He received awards for the realization of technical innovations from ESA, NASA, and Leonardo (formerly Finmeccanica) group.
- Veronica Lucia CASTALDO, PhD
Post-doc research fellow at University of Perugia, CIRIAF.
Veronica Lucia Castaldo is a building engineer specialized in buildings energy efficiency. She has more than 3 years of experience in the world of building envelope technologies, optimization of the thermal-energy performance by means of dynamic simulation, energy retrofit of existing buildings, and sustainability technical consultancy.
Mrs. Castaldo holds a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from University of Perugia and a Master Degree in Building engineering from Politecnico di Milano. Additionally, she holds a PhD in Energy and Sustainable Development from University of Perugia. During her PhD, she was a visiting research scholar at the CEEM-Civil Engineering and Engineering Department of Columbia University, where she worked on the prediction of thermal-energy balance of buildings in urban environments by means of analytical and numerical analyses. Afterwards, she was a Post-Doctorate Researcher at CIRIAF, an interuniversity research center on pollution from physical agents and its effects on the environment. She was involved in more than 3 European founded projects about nearly zero energy buildings and settlements and LEED projects. She was a lecturer on building physics and energy certification protocols and co-authored more than 40 publications on international peer-reviewed journals & conference proceedings on these topics.
In the United States Mrs. Castaldo worked as building physicist and integrated design coordinator for a prestigious architectural firm focused on sustainable multipurpose buildings design. She was responsible for conceiving high performance design strategies for buildings and communities, modeling energy and environmental performance.
- Prof. Filippo UBERTINI, PhD
Associate Professor of Structural Design at University of
Perugia, DICA
UNIPG Scientic Responsible for HERACLES
Prof. Filippo Ubertini, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Structural Design at University of Perugia, where he teaches Advanced Structural Design. He graduated cum laude in Civil Engineering from University of Perugia in 2005 and received his PhD in Civil Engineering from University of Pavia in 2009. He was visiting scholar at Columbia University, USA, in 2008. Filippo Ubertini’s research is mainly focused on vibration-based Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of heritage structures and on smart construction materials for SHM, such as smart concretes and smart bricks. The latest research activities in these fields concerned: (i) rapid post-earthquake damage detection in historic masonry structures through long-term dynamic monitoring systems based on automated modal analysis; (ii) fabrication, modelling and application of novel strain sensing smart concretes and smart bricks for SHM; (iii) system identification and dynamic modelling of civil engineering structures. Currently he is coordinator of UNIPG RT in two Horizon 2020 projects and of a national PRIN project. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of Shock and Vibration, Mathematical Problems in Engineering and Advances in Civil Engineering. He has been recipient of prizes and awards