On April 15, 2019 from 11 am to 1 pm at the council hall of the Municipality of Gubbio, the awarding of the Gubbio upper school students who participated in the 'Living Gubbio' competition took place, a competition that through the collection of photos stories and videos drew attention to the potentials risks and impacts affecting the city's cultural heritage, its conservation, thei impacts related on culture, economy and society, and ideas to preserve this heritage. The winning classes of the competition are the 3AAF class of the arts high school and the 3BLS, 4ALS and 4CLS classes of the scientific high school for the "Mazzatinti" Learning Center and the Class 3 for the Surveyor high school of the "Cassata-Gattapone" Technical Institute.
The event started with the presentation of the HERACLES project, showing its aim, vision and main finding, focussing in particular on Gubbio site. In particular, it was underlined that the project intends to develop collective awareness of the risks that climate change produces for the preservation of cultural heritage, as well as a resilient attitude to overcome the obstacles connected to this risk, monitoring and planning interventions and discussing potential social, economic and cultural issues related to risk and interventions. For this reason the project has decided to create a competition in Gubbio, aimed at students of upper secondary schools, entitled "‘ VIVERE GUBBIO ’: we preserve our city and its cultural heritage”.
The video realised by FUTURIS- EURO-TV News, and sponsored by European Commission, was projected.
The prize-giving ceremony was attended by the project coordinator Dr. Giuseppina Padeletti, Dr. Patrizia Grifoni and Dr. Fernando Ferri of the CNR, the Mayor of Gubbio Prof. Mario Filippo Stirati, the head teacher of Polo Liceale 'Mazzatinti' Prof. Mariella Marinangeli and the head teacher of the 'Cassata-Gattapone' Institute Prof. David Nadery. The winning classes were also accompanied by teachers Prof.ssa Rampini, Prof. Trotta and Prof. Morelli and receive the award from the project coordinator, as award certificates and a drone, as a symbol of HERACLES monitoring activities.