The “Architecture in Perspective” conference organized by the Council of Europe was an opportunity to introduce the project to a wider range of people. The main objectives and strategies of the HERACLES project were presented by Giuseppina Padeletti, project coordinator, to a large targeted audience during this one-day conference.
During her speech, Giuseppina Padeletti evoked the different threats who could represent a danger towards the conservation of cultural heritage. Those threats include global warming, augmentation of sea level, deterioration due to time, erosion, etc.
To bring efficient solutions to cultural monuments facing deterioration is the main goal of the HERACLES consortium, G. Padeletti recalls. She presented the whole consortium and its functioning. Then, she explained the methodology used inside the project, as well as the different tools meant to provide answers and solutions to cultural preservation. Those might include satellite monitoring, radar datas, mapping, geo-information solutions, etc. By compiling all data from those different inputs, it’s possible to establish a diagnostic of the state of the cultural site.
She finally closed the conference by recalling that cultural heritage can be in danger, and that its preservation is vital in order to retain historical assets from the past.